Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dark Shadows


            I got to see the Tim Burton movie adaptation of Dark Shadows, a television gothic soap opera from the 60's and 70's. I've always been a big fan of the old black and white television show, with all of the fantastic characters and the exceptional story, I was so thrilled to hear one of my favorite directors was going to be doing a film version, and with Johnny Depp no less. I thought Tim Burton's movie adaptation was very different, with vivid colors and less of a "soap opera" feel to it. Definitely done in Tim Burton fashion, and I loved every second of it. His films really take your mind hostage into his world for the duration of the film. I thought the film to be wildly entreating, and beautiful to watch. Of course, the original television show will always reign superior in my mind, but by no means did the Dark Shadows movie disappoint me in the least bit. They are very different in nature, and I don't even feel that it's fair to compare them since Burton took a very different approach to an otherwise very dramatic story. If I were to critique something about the movie, I wish it would have delivered more of that fierce drama and pulled the audience in just a little more, although I do not think there was quite enough time to fit everything in, and that's understandable. Overall, very satisfied. Go see it, and check out the original Dark Shadows  while you're at it.
          Unfortunately, actor Jonathan Frid (who played the original Barnabas Collins) has recently passed away. He did get to have a cameo appearance in the new movie, so all the more reason to see it!

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